Monday 17 January 2011


Zastanawiam się co jest nie tak. Jestem na tej cholernej diecie od dobrych kilku dni. Fakt- straciłam już ponad 1kg, ale mój brzuch wygląda jak nadmuchany balon dodatkowo wypchany wodą. I na domiar złego jest tak mocno zawiązany i z tak wyrzymałego materiały zrobiony, że nie chce peknąc. Patrze na niego i przeraża mnie.

Wczoraj po raz pierwszy "świadomie" zakręciło mi się w głowie. To było fascynujące, choc i przerażające.

Przed chwilą własnie wymiotowałam. Nie wiem dlaczego. Może przez to kakao dodane w owsiance? Może faktycznie za dużo tej "czekolady" w ciągu ostatnich czterech dni.

Jeszcze tylko dwa tygodnie. Dwa tygodnie zajęc, egzaminów, kolokwiów, zaliczeń, pracy. Jeszcze tylko 14 dni na to by stracic 1,5kg ! jeszcze tylko 1,5 miesiąca by stracic 4,5 ! Zakład to zakład.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

.break time.

[me, the black one, and my best friends]

I know. It's been a long time I wrote my last post. Now I'm in Warsaw, studying third year of psychology. I have a big problem to embrace all my life and do everything property. Today it's bad day unless the sun is shining and I should be happy. But i can't. Another time I think that boys are sucks and I shouldn't trust enyone !
Done is done. 

And my weight is the same.  

Wednesday 22 September 2010


[photos taking by me]
.friend of my.

Another almost 1 kilo lost. Tomorrow is my (i hope) last day of proteins diet. I will need 2 or 3 days of rest. An then start again and again unless I reach the desire goal (which is 47 kilo). 

Oh... I have a lot of to do to my practice. I'm not today creative. I need to change sth.   
 It's funny. I noticed that when my eating is under control, my life is really well-arranged and I'm doing everything I've planned.  ---> I really enjoy this song today. 

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Picture from 
(love this kind of art)

What can I say?  Yesterday:  One day - One kilo less ! ! It's good. But still i feel like a big balloon filled with water. 
It's sunny day. I like sun. I like sun this time of year. I like leaves. 
I like when you take me to the walk. In my hometown. 

Sunday 19 September 2010

.never look back.

 However parents can exploited their children...
My mum said "You became fat! you should start diet!"
Thanks mum.
If there is a way to collapse itself, so i am.
And it's not about my weight. My problem is deeper - i can not keep my world, i give up every time, i never finished what i've been started.
Is there any way to this?

[photo taking by me]

weight(after lunch): 53,1kg